The Rising Trend of Crocheting

Who knew something as simple as yarn and a needle would take over as a rising trend? Before the pandemic, I always thought crocheting and knitting were for all the abuelitas who have nothing else to do but to spend their days preparing classic Christmas sweaters for all the nietos and nietas they have.

But all that changed when the pandemic took away our chance to socialize with others or really do anything outside of our homes. More and more people began taking on this unique hobby that has now become a staple in current fashion and people’s wardrobes.

With so much time on our hands, what better hobby to pick up than something you can do mindfully and see tangible progress in? Crocheting gave people the chance to spend hours and days – that of which we had plenty of during the peak of the pandemic – learning something completely new. The beauty of this hobby also is the fact that you can do other things while crocheting: watching the Harry Potter series, running on the treadmill, or gossiping with your other crochet friends.

Gripping the needle on one hand while gently tugging on the yarn while on the other hand, watching something as simple as a string of yarn become a beautiful masterpiece. At times, I would get so excited to finish a project that my hands and wrists began to hurt and I would need to wear a wrist brace.

Not only was it satisfying to complete a piece, but it brought so much more contentment than the project in your hands. For some, it was a way to de-stress and let go of all the worries around them. When crocheting, all you need to focus on is how much tension you have on the yarn and following the specific pattern you’re using.

It can help cultivate a happy and peaceful state of mind with no thoughts to worry about. For others, knitting brought them a community in which people could feel a part of. It was easy to lose connections with others during the pandemic and feel as though you weren’t a part of a group that you truly connected with.

But through crocheting (and the beauty of TikTok), people were able to share their patterns, works of art, and advice for anyone and everyone! Since it is a hobby that is cheap and takes little skill to start, the community around crocheting and knitting was very welcoming, which made it easy for the community to grow even bigger.

But for those who want to be a proud ally to the crocheting community, many are selling their unique pieces on all platforms – Etsy, TikTok, Instagram and so much more. Crocheters from all walks of life and with a strong commitment to the hobby have opened their own business and created a lifestyle that lets them get paid for doing what they love.

Just by walking to class at SDSU, you can see several unique hats, key chains, bags, shirts, sweaters – you name it. All made by hard-working hands, some yarn, and a single needle!

Silvia Rodriguez — March 20th, 2022


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