The Future of The Look

With The Look’s founding class graduating later this semester, the question arises: What's next for the magazine? Alexandra Dunlop, the magazine's co-founder and creative director, shared the publication's future plans and what incoming members may anticipate as it transitions to new management.

Why did you and Sophia start the magazine in the first place?

“Sophia and I were shocked to find out that San Diego State didn’t already have a creative magazine. We were both looking to get more involved on campus and her journalism advertising major with my graphic design major made it the perfect project for us to take on together.”

How has the magazine grown since you first started?

“In terms of VPs, it went from just the two of us and a treasurer, to recruiting a six-person board our first semester, to a now 13 member executive board. We’ve added a styling team and expanded both the writing and design teams to where we’ve had to include three VPs for each. I’m proud to say we’re around 170 members strong now across six teams. We’ve had bigger and better events each semester, more promotional pieces and merchandise designed, and a growing presence on both social media and on campus.”

What’s going to happen now that you two are graduating? 

“First of all, we’re so sad to leave The Look, but trust me when I say we’re making sure it’ll be in good hands. Sophia and I are actually in the process of interviewing applicants as we speak for all of the roles that’ll be opening up next semester.”

What do you hope to see in The Look’s future? Looking back, what is one thing that you didn’t get the chance to do that you would want?

“I really just hope to see the new VPs and members step up and bring their own style to the magazine. I can’t wait to watch as the new publications roll out and will be so proud of our peers as they continue to work on our baby. Looking back, I wish I’d had time to take more photos myself. I worked on a lot of shoots through styling or directing, but never really took the actual pictures. Something to look forward to working on as I leave the magazine though!”

Why is keeping The Look “alive” important?

“I think the importance of this magazine lies in its members' mutual desires to emphasize one another’s voices through mediums like art, writing and photography. The fact that we publish and distribute physical print work is also so vital. Creative print publications are so hard to come by, especially in a student setting, so giving our members the chance to work on these projects with no limits is so exciting. I know I myself have grown so much as a designer through the creative freedom this magazine has given me and I’m so thankful for that.”

Dunlop reassures that members of any team have a lot to look forward to. The Look Magazine isn’t going anywhere, except into a new cadre of capable hands. Many new and exciting changes are soon to come.

Ryleigh Trimble — March 6th, 2022


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