Through the Lens of The Look’s Photography Team

Picture this: you wake up early one morning and quickly rush out of your home with a  camera in hand. You have spent many days carefully planning out the perfect time and location for a successful photo shoot. Now, flash forward —  it’s the end of the photo shoot. You are packing up your camera, lenses, props and equipment after your models have left — your work is just about to start. 

As you scroll through your photos, you search for “the one” — the standout picture that captures your vision as a photographer. Once you transfer the best images onto your software, you get to work. Though your long day will still be busy with unfinished tasks, you are driven by the knowledge that creative greatness is in the works. 

Through the documentation of both the simplicities and complexities of life, photography is a timeless form of art. In the same way that other art styles can encapsulate several meanings and ideas, photography can as well. Photography consists of a wide range of abilities, skills and devotion.

A prominent example of such talent and skill is reflected in The Look Magazine’s very own photography team! With the team’s collective interest in capturing timeless snapshots of fashion, styles and trends – their close attention to detail in the process all feeds into the creative outlet. From capturing funky and chic attire to makeup designs with vibrant color contrasts, the magic that goes into the process is unmatched! 

Julissa Martinez, a member of The Look Magazine’s photography team, shares her responsibilities as a photographer — which includes much more than just the camerawork itself. Before shooting different scenes and models, the photography team takes on the responsibility of manipulating the photo shoot through the use of different angles and props. These manipulations help to reflect the overall style and mood within the vision for the photo shoot.

 The process of preparing photo shoots is accomplished through several approaches. One very noteworthy method involves the visionary-based app Pinterest.

 “I make Pinterest boards for almost every shoot and try to find objects I have — or what my models might have — to build upon the shoots,” Martinez explains, emphasizing the role the app plays in her creative process. 

Once the preparation of a photo shoot is completed, The Look’s photography team prepares to start working. The team’s overall goal to capture their shared vision requires a great amount of effort, but nevertheless, it all pays off in the end. 

Martinez openly expressed her passion for participating in shoots featuring unique aspects of fashion. For example, one of the team’s most noteworthy shoots includes the setup in which “[the model’s] makeup was blue and silver… but her shorts were bright red, [therefore creating contrasting color schemes] compared to the green, brown, and dark blue background of the river [they] were next to.” 

Furthermore, when faced with any obstacles — such as a lack of cooperation with natural lighting, the members use their innovative skills and creativity to compromise. An example of how they quickly adjust to obstacles is their use of flashlights, which have shown to work perfectly for the final product. 

Finally, as a photo shoot comes to an end, the photographers shift into the editing process. This process is crucial, as they must make the final alterations to cultivate the best images. How would a photographer for The Look Magazine approach this?

“I like to look at the present filters on Lightroom Classic and edit them from there,” Martinez said. “I mostly mess with exposure, vibrance, or clarity. On other shoots, I’ve used Adobe Photoshop… [Other techniques used include] photoshopping the background, [as well as] duplicating the objects.” 

All in all, The Look Magazine wouldn’t have its “look” without the impressive flair seen in each of its photographers. The photography team perseveres through the challenges they face and dedicates their time and effort — and focus — to feature the latest trends!

Ella Bentley — February 27th, 2022


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