Trials and Tribulations: Finding What You Love

I used to think trying new things was scary and intimidating. I believed that my comfort zone was a fine place to be in because it was exactly that; comfortable. What I failed to realize was that it’s normal to be scared and it’s also normal to fail upon first try. 

Notably some of your most transformative years, college can best be described as a series of trials and tribulations as you find yourself, your people, and your place. While these discoveries can be messy and confusing, there’s also so much beauty in not knowing all of the answers just quite yet. 

When I first came to college I was unsure of exactly who I wanted to be and quite frankly I’m still figuring that out. What I loved though, was that there was space for me to be different versions of myself, giving me the chance to learn what I’m passionate about, who I am, and who I’m becoming. 

I tried experimenting with my style and used our fashion forward campus as inspiration. Piecing together thrift finds in an attempt to give off “cool girl” vibes, I learned finding your personal style is all about trial and error, and, oh, were there errors. I vividly remember my roommate cutting and dying my hair in my freshman year dorm against my better judgment. My uneven bob and bangs combo is a phase I hope to never return to. I went to club meetings for all sorts of different hobbies and interests trying to better understand what I wanted to focus on and what I was good at. To say college has been a learning experience would be an understatement, but I’m proud of everything I’ve tried along the way because I know it’s shaped me and my character. 

I knew that when I came to college I would have to learn how to put myself out there, get out of my comfort zone, and ultimately learn how to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations (something I’m still figuring out). But I’ve also learned that college is an opportunity to make mistakes and try again, so don’t be so hard on yourself. 

While we’re here for a degree that will hopefully propel us into our adult lives, these four years are arguably just as important for self-discovery and massive self-growth. You won’t immediately love everything you try, you may even hate it. But in order to grow, sometimes you have to put yourself in uncomfortable situations to at least say that you did it. 

Even though college can be complicated and confusing it is also so exciting and unlike any other time in our lives. Learn to find what makes you happy even if it doesn’t match others perception of happiness. We have an opportunity to experiment and cultivate our most authentic selves, let's not waste it.

Katie Blais March 11th, 2024

Design By Ariana Llamas


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