Music and Memories: Let’s talk about it.

As a first-year college student, I can confidently say I have made an immeasurable amount of memories in the last six months. Everything started in August, driving away from the place I’ve known as home for the last 10 years, driving to the place I’ll now know as home for the next 4.

As “I Know The End” by Phoebe Bridgers came through my headphones and into my ears, it became an anthem for change, a song that perfectly encapsulated my excitement and fear within me as I entered a new stage of my life.

How many times have you played a song and experienced a complete transportation to a memory- a specific place, smell, taste, or overwhelming feeling. Music has a unique ability to etch moments into our minds with ineradicable ink. You hear that specific song on the radio, or find it buried in one of your old playlists, and all of the sudden you become a version of yourself that you nearly forgot existed.

For those looking for new music to listen to (and hopefully create memories with), I decided to share some songs that have defined some of the most memorable moments of my life.

“What are we gonna do now?” Indigo De Souza- I heard this song live (and for the first time) at my first music festival surrounded by friends I’d made only a few months prior. That weekend I was able to make everlasting memories and spend time with people I am now a lot closer to.

“Come on Eileen” Dexys Midnight Runner- The amount of dance parties I’ve had to this song couldn’t be counted on two hands. Whenever I want to dance around the room with my best friends, this song is the first one I bring into the rotation and is guaranteed to get everyone dancing and smiling.

“Criminal” Fiona Apple- Fiona Apple is one of my personal all-time favorites. The day I got my drivers license, I hopped into my car with a newfound sense of freedom and drove around the city singing this song at the top of my lungs.

“We Roll Deep” The Conscious Daughters- This song brings one word to my mind: Summer. A great friend of mine introduced me to this song as we drove to the lake in our swimsuits, a car full of girls ready to swim, eat, draw, and read in the summer heat at our favorite lake spot.

As you navigate through your own journey, making memories with the people you love, try and take note of the song that you hear lulling in the background and the way it guides you with a soft hand on your back through your own life’s personal soundtrack.

Makayla Ramirez - March 22nd, 2024

Design by Monica Watson


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